Cardini Collections

If you are the owner of any Cardini memorabilia we would love to hear from you (how, when and where you got them or any anecdote you would like to share) and with your permission list them on this website's registry.

WE ARE LOOKING for the home movie on 8mm film that Cardini made. It is spliced together film clips of many old magician, Cardini and some family footage. There are video copies out there - very poor quality - But someone has to have the original 8mm film, Swan Cardini loaned it out. If any one has information as to it's where abouts' please contact us. We want to have it copied and enhanced so there can be quality copies available.

This is just a start of collectors
The Cardni Collection will soon start listing it's contents

Send your comments or listing to: 
 magic at cardini dot com
Please replace at with @ and dot with . and type into your email to: box.
I am trying this to cut down on the spam email. Thanks

Wayne Levitz, CA The only Evening Cape Cardini ever wore on stage.
Cardini Collection, CA Palace Poster
Warren Christopher, NY The country cabin Cardini enjoyed for 35 years. Cabin did contain the travel trailer Cardini toured the USA in the middle "30th, but has been turned into a lovely bath house beside the pool.
Greg Galamerian, NY Greg has a collection of scarves, pictures, magic paraphernalia and gimicks that Swan Cardni gave him.
Dr. L. Neporent, NY Dr.Neporent has a wonderful collection of Cardini items given him by Cardini and ever a full dress suit he wore in the act.